Glorification 5/26/21

In this class we discuss what God is accomplishing for His children through the Gospel; their glorification to His own glory. There will be a day for the child of God when they receive the redemption of their bodies and will be like Jesus. This body will be equipped for eternity and free from the corrupting power of sin.


Sanctification 5/19/21

When a person becomes a Christ, not only have they been atoned for by the cleansing blood of Jesus, given righteousness, and adopted into the family of God, but they also begin a life-long journey of becoming more like Christ. This process of growing into the image of Christ is known as sanctification.


Adoption 5/12/21

Having been cleansed by the blood of Jesus and clothed in righteousness, a Christian also finds themselves with a new family; the family of God. As a child of God, a Christian is blessed with all of the benefits and blessings of being a part of God’s family.


Justification 5/5/2021

After one is cleansed from sin by the blood of Christ in baptism, the new Christian is clothed with Christ as a garment (Galatians 3:27). That is, what Jesus is, namely His righteousness, is given to us who have, by faith, put Him on in baptism. Having been atoned for and justified, we now stand before God as cleansed of sin and dressed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus.


The Atonement 4/21/21

Sin estranges us from God. God loved sinful men enough to provide reconciliation through the death of His Son, Jesus. In this class, we discuss why atonement is necessary, how it is received and applied to us, and how to communicate this important truth to others.


The Gospel 4/14/21

The Gospel is the good news that Jesus did for sinners what they could not do for themselves. Join us as we discuss what the Gospel is, what it is not, and some of the many benefits a person has when they believe and obey the Gospel.


Jesus our Foundation Pt. 3 4/7/21

In this class, we discuss the three major offices fulfilled by the person of Jesus Christ; Prophet, Priest, and King. We discuss the duties that those in these offices are to do, and how Jesus is supreme in each. Find out why Jesus being our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King is so important to our Christian faith.


Jesus our Foundation Pt. 2 3/31/21

In this class, we discuss the importance of Jesus coming in human flesh and how that makes Him the perfect savior. We hope in watching this, you too will see how important Jesus’ humanity is for the Christian.


Jesus our Foundation Pt.1 3/24/21

The whole of the Christian faith is founded upon the person of Jesus Christ. In this class we study an number of evidences, both biblical and extra-biblical, that address the historical Jesus, His deity, and His resurrection.