Café Biblos
Short devotionals to get you through your day
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 23
Join Eric and Joe in this episode of Cafe Biblos as they discuss Jesus and His amazing teachings in the synagogue. What might it have been like to hear the Son of God preach and teach in person? What made Jesus’ teaching so amazing? The Bible has the answers, so let’s find out what it has to say!
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 22
Jesus’ public ministry has begun. Learn more about the historical background, geographical background and cultural background in which Jesus did His work and ministry. You are sure to learn something new as you join Eric and Joe in this episode of Café Biblos.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 21
Jesus calls His disciples. Join Eric and Joe as they discuss the importance of Jesus calling His disciples and the circumstances of their calling. How might it have felt to personally be called to come and follow Jesus?
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 20
Join Eric and Joe as they tie up Mark chapter 1 and recount many of the things discussed along the way.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 19
Suffering is a difficult reality of life. We want to be able to go through suffering well and remain faithful while suffering.
Join Eric and Joe in this episode of Café Biblos as they continue to discuss suffering in the life of Job, a man who had a harsh personal wilderness experience, was tempted, and remained faithful through it all.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 18
What do you do when you are in your own personal wilderness experience? You may be vulnerable from a hard day and open to temptation. How do you handle that temptation? Joe and Eric discuss these things and offer helpful suggestions from the Scripture.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 17
There is no doubt our humanity brings with it weakness. Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness brings the element of His humanity to the forefront. Jesus’ overcoming temptation when His body was at its weakest shows us just how perfect of a savior He is. He is triumphant when we are not! Watch and enjoy this great conversation in this episode of Café Biblos!
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 16
It is incredible to think that Jesus went 40 days in the wilderness without food. In this episode of Café Biblos, Joe and Eric discuss the effects that 40 days without food would have on the human body. Jesus underwent all of this for our benefit! Find out what this means for us and more by watching this episode!
The Gospel of Mark Ep.15
Numbers have great significance in the Bible. Joe and Eric discuss the significance of Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness to be tempted. Explore this interesting topic and more in this episode of Café Biblos!
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 14
Have you ever wondered why Jesus was driven out into the wilderness to be tempted? Joe and Eric discuss this interesting question and discuss the various elements of Jesus’ temptations. Be encouraged by this episode of Café Biblos and learn more about our perfect savior.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 13
After Jesus’ baptism, the Bible says He immediately went out to the wilderness to be tempted. The biblical language bears out some interesting things. Eric and Joe discuss some of these things, and show how these things give us a better perspective on Jesus and His temptation in the wilderness.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 12
After Jesus’ was baptized, the Bible tells us He was brought into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil for 40 days and nights. Join Eric and Joe as they discuss the events leading up to this important moment in the life of Jesus.
The Gospel of Mark Ep.11
Why was Jesus baptized? The Bible tells us that baptism is for the forgiveness of sins, (Acts 2:38), but Jesus never sinned. So, why would Jesus need to be baptized? Jesus tells us why in the Gospel of Mark. It was in order for Him to fulfill all righteousness! Learn more about this blessed thought with Eric and Joe in episode 11 of Cafe Biblos.
The Gospel of Mark Ep.10
Baptism is such a controversial topic within the Christian faith. It is certainly important to Jesus and the first century church, but why is that the case? It is in Baptism that God does His saving work on those who respond to the Gospel with a living and obedient faith! Listen in as Joe and Eric discuss this topic and give examples of its importance from the New Testament.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 9
The Baptism of Jesus was such an important event in the Gospel accounts. Why did Jesus go such a great distance to be baptized? Put some of the pieces to this puzzle together with Eric and Joe. Grab your coffee, settle in for a little while, and enjoy.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 8
The practice of Baptism is very important within the New Testament Scriptures. Why did John the Baptist call people to be baptized? Join Eric and Joe for an important discussion about an important topic on this episode of Café Biblos!
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 7
Does your life bear fruit in keeping with repentance? What does that even mean? Join Eric and Joe in this episode of Café Biblos to find out the answers to these questions and more!
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 6
Gain a fuller understanding of the world in which John the Baptist lived in this episode of Café Biblos. Why were so many people drawn to him? Find out here with Joe and Eric as they dive into the history of John’s world.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 5
Why did people travel so far to listen to John the Baptist? What was John's purpose? Joe and Eric uncover more important details on the forerunner for the Christ.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 4
Was Elijah reincarnated as John the Baptist? Joe and Eric tackle this interesting question and more in this episode of Café Biblos.
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 3
Join Eric and Joe as they discuss the character, appearance, and mindset of John the Baptist. John was an incredible man! Could you handle living like John?
The Gospel of Mark Ep. 2
Was Mark an apostle? Who was John the Baptist? Find out with Eric and Joe on this episode of Café Biblos!
The Gospel of Mark Ep.1
Join Eric and Joe as they introduce their study of the Gospel of Mark.